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Device Setup

There are several ways to make it work, choose whatever works for you


Whenever the tablet receives a system update, the cloud connection will break, and will have to be reenabled.



Install using toltec.

opkg install rmfakecloud-proxy
rmfakecloudctl set-upstream <URL>
rmfakecloudctl enable

The <URL> above has to be the same as in the STORAGE_URL server configuration.

rmfakecloud-proxy script

Get the installer from: rmfakecloud-proxy scp to the device and run it

scp root@
ssh root@
chmod +x ./

the automagic script doesn't work anymore, because of the busybox wget tls

sh -c "$(wget -O-)"


Installing a proxy on devices

A reverse proxy rmfakecloud-proxy has to be installed run rmfakecloud on whichever port you want, you can use either HTTP (not recommended) or HTTPS, generate a new cert for the url you chose e.g with Let's Encrypt

Steps (done by the automagic scripts):

  • generate a CA and host certificate for *
  • create the CA folder: mkdir -p /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
  • copy the CA.crt file to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and run update-ca-certificates
  • modify the hosts file /etc/hosts
  • Run a reverse https proxy on the rm tablet as a service, e.g. secure,
  • stop xochitl systemctl stop xochitl
  • add the followint entries to /etc/hosts
  • set the address of your api host:port in the reverse proxy secure -cert proxy.crt -key proxy.key http(s)://host_where_the_api_is_running:someport or use the provided systemd unit file and put the config in proxycfg
  • set the STORAGE_URL to point to this address (this thing the device can resolve/see e.g the reverse proxy, public dns etc)
  • run the host
  • run on the device to mark all files as new (not to be deleted from the device)
  • start xochitl systemctl start xochitl

Windows/Mac Desktop Client:

  • modify the hosts file (\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) add the same entries as on the tablet
  • run a reverse proxy on the host or somewhere else pointing it to rmfakecloud with the same certs
  • profit

PROS: easy setup, you can use whichever port you want, you can get a real trusted ca cert from let's encrypt, if running in a trusted network you may chose to use HTTP CONS: you have to configure HTTPS on the host yourself, additional Desktop config

Modify device /etc/hosts

Connect to the host directly, without a reverse proxy, with HTTPS on :443


  • generate the certs from Variant 1, you get them (proxy.crt, proxy.key, ca.crt) and trust the ca.crt
  • run rmfakecloud with:
  • modify /etc/hosts but use the rmfakecloud's ip instead of

Windows/Mac Desktop Client:

  • trust the ca.crt (add it to Trusted Root CA, use cert.msc)
  • modify the hosts file (\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) add the same entries as on the tablet
  • profit

PROS: you can use the Windows/Mac clients, no need for a proxy on the device CONS: a bit harder to setup, each host has to trust the ca and modify the hosts file, you have to use port 443

Edit router DNS entries

Same as the previous method, but instead of modifying any hosts file, make the changes on your DNS/router:

  • add the host entries directly on your router (Hosts in OpenWRT)
  • trust the ca.crt
  • profit

PROS: a bit easier, you can you even the mobile apps if you manage to install the root ca CONS: you can't use the official cloud anymore due to the mangled DNS

Reenabling after a system update

Navigate to whatever directory the proxy was downloaded to on your device.

  • If you installed using the rmfakecloud-proxy script, this will likely be ~/rmfakecloud/.

Run the below commands to reinstall the proxy service, which should reenable your cloud connection.

# stop services
systemctl stop xochitl
systemctl stop proxy

# reinstall the proxy service
./ uninstall
./ install

# restart services
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start proxy
systemctl start xochitl


After you installed the proxy, you will need to login to your account on your device.

  1. Click Menu > General > Account.
  2. Click on Setup Account.
  3. On your main computer:
    1. Login to the rmfakecloud Web UI (if no proxy used, the same as the STORAGE_URL value in the server configuration).
    2. Press the Code link in the menu.
    3. Press the Generate Code button.
  4. Enter the shown code on your device.
  5. To check that sync is working correctly. Go to Menu > Storage and press Check Sync.